Do you know your birthstone?


Birthstones for the calendar month of January are garnet and emerald. The Zodiac signs of Capricorn and Aquarius include ten stones: ruby, agate, garnet, lapis lazuli, onyx, amethyst, jasper, moss agate, opal, sugilite, and turquoise.


Birthstones for the calendar month of February are amethyst and bloodstone. The Zodiac signs of Aquarius and Pisces include thirteen stones: amethyst, garnet, moss agate, opal, sugilite, turquoise, jasper, aquamarine, bloodstone, jade, rock crystal, sapphire and ruby


The modern birthstone for the month of March is aquamarine. Bloodstone is sometimes considered an alternative birthstone for March since it is the zodiac stone for Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20). Aquamarine is a variety of beryl, which is the same gemstone family as emerald and morganite.


Because these two Zodiac signs span part of April, both are listed in this table. Birthstones for the calendar month of April are diamond, opal, and sapphire. The Zodiac signs of Aries and Taurus include nine additional stones: bloodstone, topaz, jasper, coral, amber, turquoise, emerald, aventurine, and garnet


Birthstones for the calendar month of May are emerald, sapphire, agate, and carnelian. The Zodiac signs of Taurus and Gemini include 11 additional stones: coral, turquoise, aventurine, garnet, amber, rose quartz, tiger’s eye, chrysoprase, citrine, white sapphire, and pearl.


June is one of the two months that has three birthstones. Pearls are thought of as the primary birthstone for the month. On the other hand, moonstone and alexandrite are considered alternative June gemstones


Birthstones for the calendar month of July are ruby, sapphire, onyx, sardonyx, and carnelian. The Zodiac signs of Cancer and Leo include five additional stones: emerald, moonstone, pearl, diamond, and tourmaline


Birthstones for the calendar month of August are peridot, sardonyx, diamond, sapphire, ruby, alexandrite, and carnelian. The Zodiac signs of Leo and Virgo include six additional stones: tourmaline, onyx, citrine, zircon, jade, and jasper


Birthstones for the calendar month of September are sapphire, agate, moonstone, zircon, peridot (chrysolite), and sardonyx. The Zodiac signs of Virgo and Libra include six additional stones:citrine, carnelian, jade, jasper, opal, and lapis lazuli.

October Birthstones

Opal & Tourmaline have become the staple birthstones of October. Opal and Tourmaline are both some of the most beautiful and untraditional of all gemstones. Traditionally represented as pink, the tourmaline can come in many colors of the rainbow.

November Birthstones

November birthdays are associated with two gems; Citrine and Topaz. The warm color of Citrine is said to be a gift from the sun and it’s believed to be a healing gemstone. Topaz is most desired in its rich orange Imperial Topaz color but it is found in a variety of rich colors like blue, pink and yellow.

December Birthstones

December birthdays have claim to three gemstones; Zircon, Tanzanite and Turquoise. Each of these gemstones carries a unique blue tone making it a perfect birthstone for Minnesota’s frigid December winters. Zircon can be found in a variety of colors, but blue is the overwhelming favorite.